Life is chaotic, it’s loud, it’s unpredictable and it’s beautiful, full of love and magic.
Sometimes hidden in the simple and seemingly mundane – unfolding in the rituals and rhythms of your everyday, there is magic.
When your five-year-old crawls onto your bed and curls himself in the chaff of sunlight streaming in from the window, or your 7-year-old packs his lunch and sneaks in a pound of butter, or your child displays his goofy shenanigans walking around the house with his pajama pants pulled up to his chin.
These unposed, unplanned, and unexpected moments of motherhood are all too fleeting and often forgotten. Imagine these precious moments documented in real time as they happen naturally.
You sitting on the floor doing homework with your oldest, your toddler rolling around, surrounded by piles of laundry while breastfeeding your youngest. Your 2 year old tiptoeing up to give you a kiss. You singing and dancing in the family room while one daughter clings to your chest, the other on your back, laughter spilling all around.
Or the tear rolling down your child’s cheek and the hug you gave him to make it all better.
This is so much more than a “photoshoot.”
It is an experience, curated especially for you. Storytelling your days as unique as your journey. Together we create images that will take you back to your NOW for years to come.
Why a Documentary Style Session?
Fast forward 20 years from now. Heck, fast forward 3 years from now. What will you remember? Your daughter’s first smiles beaming up at you? Your son’s first day of preschool, how he looked all grown up with his “big boy” backpack and his nervous grin. Your toddler snuggled in one arm, your baby in another as you lay in bed anticipating the day while the morning sun filters in.
These unique and tiny details define your life and if not paid attention to, will be missed. A motherhood session captures your special moments and your everyday moments that will one day fade into favourite memories.
Memories of the experiences you shared with your children, of how you cared for them, how you felt. How you loved them.
Folded not just in your mind, but into a beautiful keepsake of images and words for you to cherish.
The perfect time to do this for yourself is right now.
Motherhood is FULL of ups & downs. The journey is rewarding as much as it is challenging. You are breathing in the fresh scent of your newborn’s head, or placing your hand on your growing belly feeling your little one kick, or breastfeeding your baby while your toddler is snuggled in the crook of your arm.
Or perhaps you are a single mother of 4, struggling to balance it all, or you are mom whose child has been sick, hours in her young life spent in a hospital. The session is for every mother, wherever she is on her journey. It does not have to be a peaceful, pretty or most joyous occasion. Often we need to be reminded of our love and strength in the difficult and exhausting moments. In the times we are tested.
How Does a Motherhood Session Work?
You complete a questionnaire. Leave one word, or a story. We can meet and record your answers on my iPhone. Whatever makes it the easiest for you.
We plan your perfect session, based on your answers.
The week leading up to your session you “pay close attention” to the details of your day. What are your rituals. What do you love to do with your kids. Allow for spontaneity. Leave a pen and paper on your counter. Pay attention.
During your session, Be YOU. Be MOM. Don’t worry about the chaos, the disorganization or the piles of unfolded laundry. Wear a bathrobe, throw you hair in a messy bun, leave the toys scattered. Let your real life shine through.
After the session, write. Write your children’s favourite sayings. Share what you love most about your children. Write about your unique moments. Your words will be documented alongside the images in a beautiful album to share in the years to come.
Motherhood Packages
A Year in the Life
Time does not stand still. But the images of this one precious year will remain with you forever.
Do you ever worry that you are so busy as a mom you will forget the everyday moments with your kids? Life as a mother is chaotic, unpredictable and ever changing. In the span of 12 short months, things change dramatically. Whether it is your first year as a new mom -from breastfeeding to first smiles to crawling or you’re a seasoned mom of four, your kids growing quickly. If you want to capture this ever-evolving year in your life, from the daily routines to the momentous moments, this package is for you.
On 3 or more separate occasions I will document your family in your location of choice - your home, a nearby park, your family’s favorite breakfast spot, in real time as it unfolds naturally. It could be 6:45am snuggling while everyone has bedhead, the hectic morning routine getting the kids out the door for school amongst crying and screaming, or a blissful time in the park.
View the Details
What’s included:
Three x 4 hour documentary photography sessions within one calendar year
Option to increase the number of sessions (ie. 4 x 3 hour or 6 x 2 hour sessions) (additional monthly charge)
Online gallery of your images (100+/session)
A full gallery of edited images, high resolution and web sized digital images for you to download
Questionnaire, course material, and guided support to document your unique motherhood journey
14x11 - 100 page custom designed storybook album
Professional copywriting of your motherhood story (add on)
$325 +gst/month for 12 months
Motherhood Packages
The Motherhood Session
Your unique motherhood story.
Dear Mama,
You are incredible. You effortlessly give your time and energy to those you love. You make your family a priority and it is reflected in everything you do, including your photo albums (or the ones you always meant to put together but never had the time to complete). The ones where you are often missing. Or holding the camera trying to squeak in a selfie.
You deserve to be seen as the magnificent mother that you are. The motherhood session allows you to document your journey in words, whether it be on sticky notes, a journal, or on your computer, and combine them with beautiful imagery. Images that show the love and devotion you have for your family. Images that capture the joy and the challenges, from the magical moments to the everyday.
So many moments in your day to day life will be missed or forgotten when your kids are grown. This precious keepsake of images and stories, written down with all of the tiny not to miss details of this fleeting but busy time in your life will remain for years to come.
Although these sessions are focused on your journey, all family members are welcome - dad, grandparents, godparent, those who are a part of your children's life.
Every mother has a story. The passion and dedication behind my work is to tell yours - your beautiful authentic motherhood journey.
Sessions must be booked a minimum of 4 weeks in advance, payment plans available.
Short Story
A glimpse into your life as a mother.
Choose a favorite time of day or an activity you love doing with your kids. Capture a slice of your motherhood journey. Together we will pick a time of day that will include the activities that you want to treasure for years to come. Or perhaps we document a milestone or season of your journey ending, for example the ending of your breastfeeding journey.
What’s included:
A 3 hour documentary photography session
A detailed motherhood questionnaire, course material, and guided support in discovering your unique motherhood journey
Online gallery of your images
A full gallery (100+) of edited images, high resolution and web sized digital images for you to download
10x10 - 60 page custom designed storybook album
Private online gallery to share with family and friends
Professional copywriting of your motherhood story (add on)
$1850 +gst
Half Day
My most popular motherhood session
Document your journey for half the day. Choose morning wake ups or end with the bedtime routine and capture the special often forgotten everyday moments. We capture the tiny details, the rhythm and routines that make up your day to day.
What’s included:
A 6 hour documentary photography session
A detailed motherhood questionnaire, course material, and guided support in discovering your unique motherhood journey
A full gallery (200+) of edited images, high resolution and web sized digital images for you to download
14x11 - 80 page custom designed storybook album
Private online gallery to share with family and friends
Professional copywriting of your motherhood story (add on)
$2450 +gst
Full Day
An entire day devoted to your story
From waking up to completing your bedtime routine with your kids, I will spend the entire day capturing how it unfolds for your family. Whether it is going to the splash park, skating, or playing hide and seek, include the things you love to do with your kids. From the moments you love, to the morning and night time routines, meals, playtime, to the ups and downs, I photograph it all.
What’s included:
A 12+ hour documentary photography session, from wake up until the bedtime routine is completed
A detailed motherhood questionnaire, course material, and guided support in discovering your unique motherhood journey
A full gallery (300+) of edited images, high resolution and web sized digital images for you to download
14x11 - 100 page custom designed storybook album
Private online gallery to share with family and friends
Professional copywriting of your motherhood story (add on)
$2950 +gst
From unintentional moments of inspiration to little sparks of joy to unapologetic and raw emotions. From the mundane to the magical.
This is motherhood.
This is your life.
I want to show you your life. Your love. Your magic. Your everyday.